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Why Restoring Nature is Important

When you take a look at the news relating to the environment and the state of our ecosystem, it can be daunting. The United States Environmental Protection Agency makes it clear that the climate is changing; temperatures are growing warmer, inclement weather is getting more intense and these trends are only expected to keep rising.

Encouraging state officials and government representatives to take the initiative is a great starting point to reverse climate change. But there are simple things you can do on your own to make a change as well.

Let’s take a closer look at the importance of ecological restoration and what you can do to make a difference:

What is Ecological Restoration and Why is it Important?

According to the Society of Ecological Restoration, a clean earth restoration is the process of helping an ecosystem bounce back after being damaged, degraded, or completely destroyed.

Damage refers to an acute and obvious harmful impact upon an ecosystem such as selective logging, road building, poaching, or invasions of non-native species.

Degradation refers to chronic human impacts resulting in the loss of biodiversity and the disruption of an ecosystem’s structure, composition, and functionality. Examples include: long-term grazing impacts, long-term overfishing or hunting pressure, and persistent invasions by non-native species.

Destruction is the most severe level of impact when degradation or damage removes all macroscopic life and commonly ruins the physical environment. Ecosystems are destroyed by such activities as land clearing, urbanization, coastal erosion, and mining.”

Ecological restoration is necessary to reverse the impact of the damage, degradation, and destruction. Helping to restore the ecosystem involves creating the environmental conditions that make it easy for the plants and animals in the habitat to recover.

Ecological Restoration Examples

Being involved in ecological restoration doesn’t mean you have to completely alter the ground of the environment in need of assistance. Some simple examples of ecological restoration include:

  • Planting vegetation and growing more diverse crops
  • Reintroducing wildlife into a habitat
  • Keeping our national parks clean

The point is to help an ecosystem rejuvenate back to its healthy, original state. Not to be confused with conservation, ecological restoration uses human intervention to tackle the problems, repair, and regrow. Conservation involved more preventative measures. Both are very important to the environment, but ecological restorations are the answer when conservation is considered unsuccessful.

Little girl hugging a tree

Natural Restoration: Doing Your Part

We hear about the urgency to save the planet all of the time. But what are some of the ways you can help make a difference? Beyond the ecological restoration examples listed above, here are a few ways you can help the environment:

Spend Time in Nature

Go outside, stand in the natural soil, and take a deep breath. Sometimes, reminding yourself how beautiful and freeing nature can be will also emphasize the importance of keeping it clean.

Educate Yourself

Understanding why ecological restoration is so important can make a big difference in your desire to make a change. Take advantage of educational resources to learn about the state of climate change and the importance of caring for the environment.

Spread the Word

If you want more people to be involved in ecological restoration and conservation, talk about it! Don’t be afraid to speak up about making a difference for our planet to get other people to sit back and make changes.


Volunteering with an organization that stands for ecological restoration is another simple and seamless way to make an effort and fight for the environment.

Natural Restorations, for example, is a non-profit with a mission to support military veterans, preserve the great outdoors and build an authentic community in Arizona. They want to help others get involved by educating children and adults about the importance of preserving our natural land, and you can get involved too.

Check out the Natural Restorations events calendar today to find an upcoming volunteer opportunity.

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